Volcanoes in Japan

Japan is located at the junction of 4 tectonic plates - the Pacific, Philippine, Eurasian and North American plates, and its volcanoes are mainly located on 5 subduction-zone related volcanic arcs where the Pacific Plate descends under the North American Plate along the Kuril Trench and the Japan Trench and underneath the Philippine Sea Plate along the Izu-Bonin Trench. The Philippine Plate itself subducts beneath the Eurasian Plate at the western end, forming the Ryukyu Trench. The principal resulting volcanic ars are:
- Ryukyu Arc and Southwest Honshu Arcs in the south (Philippine plate subducting beneath between the Eurasian Plate),
- Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc (subduction of Pacific plate beneath Philippine plate)
- Northeast Honshu and Kurile Arc in the north (subduction of Pacific plate beneath the N-American plate)

Photo of this volcano
 The image above is an active volcano in Aira, Japan. The primary volcano type is Caldera. The last known eruption happened this year. It's latitude is 31.592 N, it's longitude is 130.657 E, it's summit is 1117 m, the elevation is 3665 ft, and its volcano number is 282080.

 Volcanic Warning in Japan are issued in relation to expected volcanic disasters, and the names of the affected areas are detailed. Volcanic Forecasts are issued when a volcano starts to become calm. The link https://www.jma.go.jp/en/volcano/ shows the latest Volcanic Warning/Forecast for each volcano and the forecasts that are issued in the last 30 days.



  1. Hey Manny,
    Such a great post and good job with your research. Just out of curiosity, are any of those volcanoes showing any signs of explosion anytime soon?

  2. Good that they have a warning/alert system...very wise... I bet most people living there have some kind of app in their phones for warnings...


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