Hazards, Disasters, Catasprohes, and The Differences

A Natural Hazard is a natural event that can be a potential threat to humans and their property. In my opinion, natural hazards seems more terrifying than disasters and catastrophes because no area is considered "hazard-free" in the US. It feels like you can't get away from natural hazards. Some examples are earthquakes and volcanoes.Image result for earthquake and volcanic hazards

A Disaster is considered a hazardous event that occurs over a limited time span within a defined area. Usually when a disaster occurs there are at least 10 people killed, at least 100 affected, declared stated of emergency, and there is requested international assistance.
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A Catastrophe is considered a massive disaster that requires significant expenditure of money and an amount of years for recovery. High income countries suffer the more economic losses but the lowest number of deaths.

Image result for catastrophe pictures


  1. Great first post, Manni. It'll be great to read about Japan's natural hazards every week in your blog.


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